sunnudagur, ágúst 31, 2014

Vitundin dulda

sem starfar stöðugt í leyni eða undir yfirborðinu og á bak við ósýnilega himnu.

Langar að vitna í stórmerkileg orð sem spruttu upp af síðum bókarinnar The Road Less Traveled eftir M. Scott Peck:

"Through a complex of factors, our conscious self-concept almost always diverges to a greater or lesser degree from the reality of the person we actually are. We are almost always either less or more competent than we believe ourselves to be. The unconscious, however, knows who we really are. A major and essential task in the process of one's spiritual development is the continuous work of bringing one's conscious self-concept into progressively greater congruence with reality." (bls. 250-251)

Bestu óskir um samslátt sjálfsvitundar, meðvitundar og undirvitundar, stöðuga harmóníu.

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